Tuesday, May 25, 2010

nice day

just that. :P

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, May 22, 2010

im tired

i really wish this would be over. i wish i could just move on. ive had it with weighing things
over and over. im fed up about this waiting. im sick of these news. im working hard to make all the right moves and maybe, just maybe, i will. im trying to keep and maintain my gameface and im kinda loosing it too.

i dnt know what to do anymore. my head is getting filled with a lot of thinking things everyday and i want to stop it. im worried and im pretty sure to be confused. im floating empty. i want badly to win this war but i ain't sure if im the right soldier.

im really tired.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

i miss everyday

is it time? should i wake up from this sleep and get up? what if im not ready to get up? what if i dnt want to get up? what if im not sure how to pull myself and walk out that hall and start my day?

this is really hard for me, anyone must understand im not prepared for this. im not ready. im not the type of person who just move on from this. im not. i should be mature about this but then again im not. i know what's the right thing to do but i don't wanna do that. not just yet. im hanging. not moving. keeping busy with other things. i know, im being dramatic to even put myself in this situation. my problem is sadness, it kills me. i can't get away from it. i can't barely start to think about the worse things. i miss the times. i miss lunch. i miss dinner. i miss coffee. i miss the laugh. i miss the smile. i miss the fun. i miss everyday. it's only been two days and look at me. im weird.

im not good at goodbye's. if i can skipped it and fast forward myself in another reality, i will. somebody, handle this for me if it has to happen, when it happens. coz i can't. il cry and i can feel it.

so please, please, please.... let it not happen.