Tuesday, August 09, 2011

A letter to Sir

Dear sir,

i learned about the girl in the movie.
today, i get to understand her.

there's this great percentage that i'll cry hearing or watching a nice love story.
or what usually happen is, i walk away when it's cheezy time.
yes, im that coward sometimes. im not as brave.
besides, i think we can always predict the happy ending.
no need to validate that.

maybe by default, i assume that i force to relate it to myself
but i realize, no. that's not what im doing.
it's the difference.
and i think i know now how we differ.

well, for one thing. my story is much real than hers.
i don't have a perfect hair specially when i just went to bed.
i have a guy's name as a nickname.
and they say i think like a guy sometimes.
and that i have too many men friends.
then i have a non-desirable last name which you said was also very guy-ish.
im not friends friends with the family vs her
and i feel that they wouldn't prefer me.

i don't change status or my picture.
i don't do terms of endearment i prefer to use made-up names.
im not gonna pressure you to marry bcoz i don't even think about it right away, i take time.
i make plans as far as breakfast in the mornin.
or a roadtrip next weekend.
il be ok if we can only fulfill my monthly movie request.
and we go from there.
i don't plan forever, i just try live it. and wish.

i really don't ask much and i don't expect much.
you can skip the sweeping off my feet parts. it's ok. you're fine.
i may not share everything to you or capture us all the times with pictures
but i always write about it.
my story would carry more drama than the movie could pull off.
i could be much corny than ever.
and look weirder too.

i don't have that courage to say my feelings first even i can say that i can.
i can't say it like that even if i could do the crying parts.
and even with the right character and motivation and what i think my great acting skills can deliver.
because, the girl in the movie isn't really me.
and i don't have the right to do that. to go first. to say it and hear myself say it.
we may have the same feelings or same passion.
maybe same lines and same perspective.
but we love two different guys.
she doesn't love a guy who's with someone else. ever.
maybe her bestfriend or her sister but not her.
why don't they make that?!
maybe because that's too painful to take.
and my story is all about that.
which makes all the difference in the movie world.
im like sally in harry met sally.
who is pretending to be sally.
who is pretending your harry.
i really love her last lines.

"you see. that is just like you harry. you say things like that. and you make it impossible for me to hate you. and i hate you harry. i really hate you."

..i hate you because i need to be friends with you which is the hardest thing and i'm here writing about it.

Yours truly,

I know you don't like drama so sorry if this is. :)

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