Friday, April 03, 2015


ok im sorry for not having posted my recent movies. (promises promises)
i promise (haha) to catch up on it later. 
i recently enjoyed, theory of everything, exodus, taken 3, re-watch maze runner (bec i have nothing else to watch that time) and more..

but speaking of which, i like dylan o'brien. yep. it's that straight and simple. ;)

the guy is talented ...and according to his wikipedia. also, a very funny guy according to random videos and his throwback channel in youtube. 

so, he is that guy in the internship. i like him in that movie. (aww.. meant to be :P ) 

anyway, he also stars in teen wolf, not the lead so i may not watch it. but i will try to download his other movies. 

moving forward, as i search more of mr. o'brien... it came to me that i really do have a certain type. described and differentiated in two categories: physical and personality. didn't really realized it fully until today. (wow)

the physical is quite common, not so much the personality that im looking for.. yep. where did all my kinda guys go? which is why it never fails to impress me if i get to meet one.  

i googled the lucky boys in my life and they have physical commonalities and almost the same personalities. ok maybe i got 2 who didn't really met one criteria but wow! just 2. nope! no. i will not go into further details.

so yah, i got a certain type. 
you probably do too. ;)

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