look! i went in this store yesterday... it says: CoolMax as their signage... its red and black in theme..
i like it.. i think they're a cool store... i went in! wohoo!
wow! cute! they have these characters bad boy and cool cat... in all of their products...
woohh.. i really like this store! (too amazed huh?! haha!) i need to buy something! (galing.. gastos!)
then as i was deciding what to buy... a thought came... bad-boy and cool cat... nyc pseudo names! isn't it? (yah, kinda corny idea! ah, bsta!) i actually used bad-boy in hs as a pseudo name... used it for email, chats, txt, anything... i didn't want anyone to know that i was gurl at first..... coz i get nyc reactions when they found out... it was fun! Ü hohoo! i dnt hve a girly nickname nweiz, so even better! im gonna name my girls joey... or justin.. or louie or francis... (haha! labo... ang layo na!)
nweiz, y don't i use it again? only not for me... il name him... you be bad-boy, i'll be cool cat! sounds good! hihi!
and by the power vested in me i now dub thee... bad-boy! how u doin? Ü in the store i dnt think cool cat is actually a girl character but who cares... i like it! ul like it! it fits! Ö
bad-boy: it is not a sin to cosset yourself, it is important your taste suits the trend.
i know now what i want from my birthday! woohoo! anything that i can really use from that store... shirt, clock, bag! got my wallpaper changed too! i lyk u bad-boy! wink*
see for yourself! of coarse,il never forget pucca and garu... all tym fav!
im sleepy... cool cat out! c ya bad-boy! Ü
1 comment:
try it! try it! hehe! cool!
hi leia! buti naman after a long time.. naisipan mong mgpost ng comments!
gawin mo ng hobby! yey! ur the best! luvu leia! Ü
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