Saturday, May 20, 2006

go chill!

cool cat knew it.. things were being normal again with cool cat and bad-boy.. something is goin' on... and that's weird nowadays.. its good weird... nweiz, cool cat miss that.. yeah, she did.. the whole week was all work, boring! one of her friends asked her: "y does it matter? maybe you're already into him, you're gettin serious, you like him..." cool cat: "yeah, i do a lot and hate him too.. maybe its just that we're close now that's y it looks different to you.." both thinks quietly: "ok! whatever. . . " Ü

cool cat ponders about the facts goin around her... we could just imagine her thought bubble:
"and so im here again huh... what whole have i put myself this time... i knew this was comin' but i just go with it... damn. have i ever learn? guess not. overplayed. oh i hate myself... and hated bad-boy for being him... y do i anyways? i hate him most of the time coz i dnt understand him, very ireasonable and self-centered.. haha! maybe that's it! coz there is enuf reason to not like him about... and that's exactly me and about guys talkin coz i think that's fun! but i know this can't! not now... specially now now... or the next weeks.... but this is it then... inhale! whooo! God, i need u now... sorry, for the same story and for being helpless.. u know me... dreading next week's meeting... 'ope she's not there... 'ope im not there.... not one of the greatest pretender of all time... i have to do this.... i can do this! . . . . . sigh".

cool cat never really liked love stories, she cries specially on some of the lines and the scenes... never liked seeing happy endings, too happy cool cat doesn't want to hope for it too much. torture to her, cool cat is yes, bitter on things about the L word, after the last years. though she understands, it frustrates her. poor cool cat was tryin to put a smile on her face.... its easy to laugh with somebody, smiling is another whole new thing.... Ö

and so cool cat searched for things to cheer her... gone out with friends more often... surely, she's not fine. cool cat saw this post at peyups: Thoughts about Julian not really too close to her story but ul get the picture! haha! funny! cool cat says: "if you're sad, can't really think you're not.. (sniff! sniff!) and what's with that guys that start their name with... nevermind.... what am i doing here? oh wait, here's another article, kinda close to last year's events and current... some edit could work! and im doing it again, whaahaha! In the Middle Of All These " cool cat had this weird theory about guys name, she thinks its some pattern or maybe weird coincidence that she can't get away from.... hihi.

ok! enuf! stop with cool cat! world wouldn't change as we wish... maybe someday, somehow perhaps.. some things in lyf are deja vu... sbi nga ng goldilocks... go chill cool cat! have a order of krinkles and cream... ul be fine.

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