i like reading about other people... i get to justify my first impressions on them... ooops! hehe! i get to understand better why humans are like humans... (?!!?) like reading articles of the difference of men and women... men and they're rules... ugh. never ending! that needs an entirely different post. nweiz......
here are my favorites:
1. My Visual DNA [http://friends.imagini.net/rege]
this was pretty accurate.... :D very presentable too...
a wildcat in my moods, a thriller for fun, a habit of a high time roller, and love bug of love
2. Gender Guesser [http://www.hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.html]
BLOG post: I'm a guy? No freakin way!
Is that even fair?!!!
3. What's Your Name Hidden Meaning? [http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyournameshiddenmeaningquiz/]
BLOG post: what rege means
4. Astrology Insight [http://www.astrology-insight.com/]
BLOG post: LEO
5. Nohari and Johari Windows
55% of people think that rege is cheerful
66% of people agree that rege is friendly
71% of people think that rege is simple
57% of people think that rege is childish
negative na ba ang simple and childish???! geez!!!!!
**your F.R.I.E.N.D.S character (i must say that I really liked to be Rachel but her description from this quiz is a bit off....)
Which Friends Character Are You? | |
You are Rachel. You are beautiful, fashionable, and a bit selfish. You're very selfish and pay great attention to image. Spoiled when you were young, you were always the popular and snobbish kid. Although you hang on to your adolescent attributes, you grow more responsible every year. |

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