Monday, November 24, 2008

can u blame me?

i just did something stupid today.. i was really not myself and i hate it! hate it!

i lost my proxy card.
i left my watch. i really hate it when i forget my watch. i feel lacking.
something's wrong with me today.
a bit paranoid too.
of the question that im debating to question. (whaat?!)
it's that kinda day where im tryin to not be bothered...
of the many things that plays inside this twisted brain. (geez!)
i have this fear.
imagining it makes me numb.
to whoever is in charge i ask, please spare me.
i am too weak. i can't do this again. i just can't. (deep pare!)
i feel really lazy.
im suppose to be bibo but i wasn't and i didn't even think twice about it. go on, tell me whatever you want....
the type of day when i just felt like singing something from Boyzone. (hey, im a BSB fan!)

the moment compelled me to watch a love story called Tristan and Isolde (hahaha! what a great idea!!! am i genius or what?!)
someone told me.. the tagline was: before Romeo and Juliet there was Tristan and Isolde.....
(so are we watching this or not?!!)

and so i started.... really excited.
took a while before the potential love story begin.... i was too anxious to know how would it start.
then they're story began.... it was played out nice. not too dramatic or overly shallow. the scenes was just right.
the shocking twist.... it got me. darn!!! i can't believe it. it was torture!!!!!!!
the ending.... i wouldn't give it away. as much as my heart wants to share and pour out every emotion i had. (go! download and watch.)

"Something more than duty and death!
Why are we capable of feelings if not to have them?
Why long for things if they are not meant to be ours?
Well don't listen to me.
You're so sure of things.
You're certainty, it's like armour.
I wish I had that."

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