Monday, February 16, 2009

singing my heart out

Change Your Mind - Boyce Avenue

Change Your Mind
(music and lyrics by Alejandro Manzano)

There you are with your perfect way
You’ve got that little shine in your eyes
To hear one word would make my day
But there’s no room for me in your life

Oh you’ve got me down on my knees
Oh and in my mind I can see
How perfect everything could be
But you won’t give us a try

If I could change your mind
How would you want me
Would you say you need me
Cause I need you now

I try to move on but your perfect way
Has got this little child asking why
But this world keeps spinning
As my heart stops beating
Is there still no room inside

Oh you’ve got me down on my knees
Oh and in my mind I can see
How perfect everything could be
But you won’t give us a try

If I could change your mind
How would you want me
Would you say you need me
Cause I need you now

If I could change your mind
(Please tell me I’m not the only one)
(Please help me believe I’m not the only one)
If I could change your mind

If I could change your mind
How would you want me
Would you say you need me
Cause I need you now
If I could change your mind
How would you hold me
Would you stay forever
Or just leave me here to drown

If I could change your mind
(Change your mind)
If I could change your mind
(Change your mïnd)

i have to give it up to Boyce Avenue. they were da best! really really great performances. i would want to see them again and i dnt mind if its soon. sna concert in other parts of asia. pupunta tlga ko! =p

my mind's screaming in muteness
fancying the day that i can fathom how
to beg for even do a whisper
and the littlest amount of bravery to hear any reply
maybe better to keep silent
or achieved eternal sunshine for this spotless mind
one step closer for the shadow of the day

Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 things about Reg

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

25. i write a lot. i started writing for the school paper since elem. literary mostly and short stories.

24. i took up piano lessons when i was a kid. i remembered playing "Unchained Melody" once in my life. =p

23. im scared of frogs, ostriches and dolls (specifically the ones with almost real eyes) yes, i got scared of chuckie.

22. i have a birthmark on my left cheek.

21. i celebrated my debut at the Hard Rock Cafe. didn't want it traditional..... then. :)

20. i prefer cooking pastas, pastries and breakfast. haha! dnt say it... i know.

19. i have pitbull named "Hugo". she's a girl. id like a chow-chow, il name him "Boss".

18. i luv milk but i like drinking hot coffee more often not with cream but milk. at an average i drink 2-3x a day. before, its 4-5x.

17. im a lazy reader. i can't finish a book even given a month to do so. i only read intriguing books about faith and life. "Gospel of Judas", Dan Brown collection.... or fun books like Archie or Bob Ong

16. when i was studying... i like sciences (anatomy, biology, psychology, chemistry) better than ALL math. i am a frustrated pediatrician. i like kids. and i like art and music subjects the most.

15. im full of drama. its just not obvious. or maybe in different ways... wahaha!

14. my elem kada was once called: "Horseshoe" then revised to "Friscuz" then "Jerks". then my hs kada is called: "Logits" and once upon a time we called our college kada "12 Orange Balloons"

13. i think only my close girl friends know when i like someone. i dnt do obvious though i think it is. wink* wink* (i dunno. sometimes, you can just be observant. so i dnt have to explain... wehehe.)

12. there was a time that i think that the world would be a better place if Erap died. seriously. with my whole heart on it.

11. i like the fact that at first, based on my name, people would think im a guy. my real nickname is actually "Rege" (pronounced as Reggie). only a few people calls me that. once on my birthday, i was given a basketball. ;)

btw, my real first name is Maria.

10. i own a hulla-hoop and its hot pink with beads inside. and a bike with basket.

9. my favorite colors are black, gray, pink and white. i got 20+ black tops.

8. i can almost say that i collect watches. i think i have 10 or more. i must wear a watch everytime i go out or else il feel lacking

7. people always say im always up to try new things... well. yea. i dnt think sometimes, i just go and why not? :)

6. when i whistle, i don't blow air to do it. i do the reverse and it works. =p

5. in a band, drummers always impress me. :) il be the vocalist. hehe.

4. my favorite past tym is watching. movies, fun plays, concerts, UAAP, DVDs, news, series or even people walkin by during coffee breaks.

3. i like to have a tattoo someday. a leo sign, left side of hip. and another ear piercing. left, upper ear lobe.

2. i would trade anything if given a chance to be a part of the All-Stars or Jabbawockees or G-Force or Street Boys or Manouvers. nothing can top that feeling.

1. i really want to be a PBB housemate. because im kinda of an impatient person, i can't be at one place for the longest time, i can't be doing the same thing for a day and i can't stand people i can't jive with. so, i would like to see how war i can last given a no choice situation. haha!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Art of Doing Too Many Things

I had a nyc weekend again.. Sna laging na lng ganun (so much for my new year's resolution and change of heart entry haha! well...) Seriously, I was working last weekend but I was having fun too. I'm super stoked and so is everyone else. I got burned and toasted in the sun but hey! it's all good.... There were bumps and issues yet we did good. Kudos to Team Travel Factor! We really never realized how fast we were growing and we need to keep up with that. One weekend that we were away and people thought were gone. Now, we know what its like... Anyway, i got this to for our team... tough week and more to go.... Travel Factor. Travel More!

The Art of Doing Too Many Things

Alright, so I’m not an Oprah fan. It’s not that I have anything against her I just can’t say that I’ve ever watched her show, read her magazine, watched her television network or read books off her list. What I can say though is that she is an entrepreneur and is proving that you can do a lot of things at once as an entrepreneur. For that, I have to respect and admire her.

The latest news is all about her launching a TV network with the Discovery Channel. But, this news has come with a lot of criticism that she is doing too many things. Well, maybe she is. Or, maybe she isn’t. But, as an entrepreneur, my guess is that you want to do “too many things” yourself. So, within that vein here are a few things you can do to help you “pull off too many things”:

  1. Understand that your fate as an entrepreneur is to do “too many things”. Yep, you’ll start too many businesses and some will fail because of lack of money or lack of time or lack of interest after you jump in.
  2. Understand that you will get grief for doing too many things. It is true that focusing on one thing is often the best way to build a business. It is true that focusing on too many things can be the downfall of your business. But, read number one again.
  3. Given the above, build partners, partners, partners. Don’t try to do the “too many things” on your own. Be sure you have partners that can run with some of the ideas more than you can and that you can run with some of the ideas more than they can.
  4. Build a system and do a lot of things but things that have similar patterns or dynamics. Build a platform: get your sales system down; get your marketing system down; get your branding system down; get your operations system down. Once you have that you can run a series of things through it.
  5. No matter how good of a system you build you can do a lot of things but you can’t do a lot of way too different things. Don’t try to build a company that manufactures rugs at the same time that you try to build a company that retails hats at the same time that you try to build a childcare company at the same time that you try to build an internet company. You can do all of those things…eventually. But, start with doing a bunch of things within related spaces. In other words, start the internet company that has a retail rugs site a retail hats site and a social network about parenting or childcare. The patterns are the same. You’ll be able to do a lot of things. You’ll win. Then, you can sell them and move onto doing a bunch of other things.
  6. Keep balance. No matter how many things you do and no matter how much you are tempted to bypass sleep and exercise and hobbies to do them, find time to walk away from it all. Spend time with your family. Spend time on your hobbies. Go traveling. Keep fit. When you are balanced you can do more in 2 hours than you can do in 10 hours if you are unbalanced
  7. There is such a thing as doing too many “too many things”. Yes, at some point you can’t do it all. You’ll know when you reach that point when you can’t fulfill on number six above.
  8. Offer similar value to the market with each of your “too many things”. It’s probably the business school guy in me, but you need to know what value you add and stick to that value. You can’t be the low cost leader on one business and the boutique and exclusive quality leader on your other business. Choose your value. Choose your philosophy. Choose what you do well. Let those drive your “too many things”.
  9. Take the time to brand yourself as an entrepreneur. Everybody knows a Richard Branson company when you see one. Everybody knows an Oprah company when you see one. Read number 8 above again and then take the time to brand yourself.
  10. Pour your heart into your too many things. At the point that you can’t keep balance cut back on your “too many things”…immediately. But don’t cut back too much - walk right on that line. Equally important: the minute you can’t pour your heart into too many things cut back…immediately. But, again, don’t cut back too much…live right there on the edge.

And, the final piece is to live in the moment. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish if you live in the moment. When you are working on one business work on that one business. Don’t check email. Don’t think about the other business. Don’t think about your grocery list. When you spend time with your kids don’t think about your businesses. Don’t think about your stresses. Don’t think about what you “could be doing”. Instead, embrace what you are doing as exactly what you “should be doing”.

As an entrepreneur, you will always want to do too many things whether in business or in life in general. Don’t fight that urge too much but do find the art of “doing those too many things” well.

Personally, i need to really learn to live in the moment. I'm a worrier and I'm a person who thinks a lot sometimes when it comes to topics like these. You know, responsibilities. They just get to me really bad specially when they are too many. I get so messed up and paranoid and tense and getting a hold of myself is difficult. Well anyway, I'll learn it.

Monday, February 02, 2009

a change of heart

i need to get back on that new year's resolution. damn it! and i mean now. ok, soon. no Reg... now.
and i have to be serious this time. (geez, serious.. that's hard!)
this has to stop.
i have to end this madness.
hallucination of sorts. i dunno. whatever.
i gotta start somehow.
looking at myself with no progress makes me such a "looser" (yaya).
ok. you can say it... "bullsh*t?! "
i know. i know. i may not be able to live up to it again. but...
i have to hope i can start something. anything. this time.
and i know too.. that this is fine. matters like this are those that we say: "let it be" but...
man! i don't think i should go any further.
yes, u heard me... should.
i can be logical now. il try to be logical.
im too far already. (i bumped my head really bad and now i feel that it hurts like there's no tomorrow)
and im already lost.
insane and lost.
i should have limits.
rules. (yah, i hate them all)
i should beat inevitable. it's not inevitable. it's not. not anymore. no such thing.
this is too complicated.
i can't even remember how i got here. ..........nah, i do. hehe.
well, i've gone for it.
don't think, just go. that's me.
push play.
i can't fight it.
but you know, it's ok to stop sometimes. for a while. take a breather. inhale. exhale.
and play another... meaning.... not the same. u know, different.
draw new lines. new beginnings.
gotta put that in my head.
in a more understandable term: gone.
i should start walking back that road again.
im far gone and wasting time. ....ok, not wasting.
fine! i was happy. i was. or i am. still. (even if that's entirely not possible)
b-coz.... it's unfair.....there. im admitting it.
i have to be right than right. God, let me choose right.
or il be a horrible person and a friend (duh?!... already there)
it's a long walk but hey, il get there.
all roads has 2 ends. iv gone the other way. so...
reversing the process shouldn't be a problem, ryt?! ryt! this is ryt!
who knows, maybe il get there sooner than i thought.

An epiphany(feeling) is the sudden realization or comprehension of the (larger) essence or meaning of something. The term is used in either a philosophical or literal sense to signify that the claimant has "found the last piece of the puzzle and now sees the whole picture," or has new information or experience, often insignificant by itself, that illuminates a deeper or numinous foundational frame of reference.
