Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 things about Reg

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

25. i write a lot. i started writing for the school paper since elem. literary mostly and short stories.

24. i took up piano lessons when i was a kid. i remembered playing "Unchained Melody" once in my life. =p

23. im scared of frogs, ostriches and dolls (specifically the ones with almost real eyes) yes, i got scared of chuckie.

22. i have a birthmark on my left cheek.

21. i celebrated my debut at the Hard Rock Cafe. didn't want it traditional..... then. :)

20. i prefer cooking pastas, pastries and breakfast. haha! dnt say it... i know.

19. i have pitbull named "Hugo". she's a girl. id like a chow-chow, il name him "Boss".

18. i luv milk but i like drinking hot coffee more often not with cream but milk. at an average i drink 2-3x a day. before, its 4-5x.

17. im a lazy reader. i can't finish a book even given a month to do so. i only read intriguing books about faith and life. "Gospel of Judas", Dan Brown collection.... or fun books like Archie or Bob Ong

16. when i was studying... i like sciences (anatomy, biology, psychology, chemistry) better than ALL math. i am a frustrated pediatrician. i like kids. and i like art and music subjects the most.

15. im full of drama. its just not obvious. or maybe in different ways... wahaha!

14. my elem kada was once called: "Horseshoe" then revised to "Friscuz" then "Jerks". then my hs kada is called: "Logits" and once upon a time we called our college kada "12 Orange Balloons"

13. i think only my close girl friends know when i like someone. i dnt do obvious though i think it is. wink* wink* (i dunno. sometimes, you can just be observant. so i dnt have to explain... wehehe.)

12. there was a time that i think that the world would be a better place if Erap died. seriously. with my whole heart on it.

11. i like the fact that at first, based on my name, people would think im a guy. my real nickname is actually "Rege" (pronounced as Reggie). only a few people calls me that. once on my birthday, i was given a basketball. ;)

btw, my real first name is Maria.

10. i own a hulla-hoop and its hot pink with beads inside. and a bike with basket.

9. my favorite colors are black, gray, pink and white. i got 20+ black tops.

8. i can almost say that i collect watches. i think i have 10 or more. i must wear a watch everytime i go out or else il feel lacking

7. people always say im always up to try new things... well. yea. i dnt think sometimes, i just go and why not? :)

6. when i whistle, i don't blow air to do it. i do the reverse and it works. =p

5. in a band, drummers always impress me. :) il be the vocalist. hehe.

4. my favorite past tym is watching. movies, fun plays, concerts, UAAP, DVDs, news, series or even people walkin by during coffee breaks.

3. i like to have a tattoo someday. a leo sign, left side of hip. and another ear piercing. left, upper ear lobe.

2. i would trade anything if given a chance to be a part of the All-Stars or Jabbawockees or G-Force or Street Boys or Manouvers. nothing can top that feeling.

1. i really want to be a PBB housemate. because im kinda of an impatient person, i can't be at one place for the longest time, i can't be doing the same thing for a day and i can't stand people i can't jive with. so, i would like to see how war i can last given a no choice situation. haha!

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