Sunday, July 01, 2007

30 reasons why you start to hate ur job

30 Reasons Why Employees Hate Their Managers
By: Bruce L. Katcher, Ph.D.

I. How to Treat Employees Like Adults
1. We Feel Like Slaves.
2. I Know How to Do My Job, Why Can’t They Just Let Me Do It?
3. I Am Afraid to Speak Up.
4. Nobody Appreciates My Hard Work.
5. There Are Different Rules For Different People.
II. How to Gain the Respect of Your Employees
6. Management Doesn’t Listen to Us.
7. Management Doesn’t Respect Us.
8. So Who’s In Charge Anyway?
9. I Don’t Trust the Information I Receive From Management.
10. My Boss is Terrible.
III. How to Provide Employees With What They Really Need
11. I’ve Lost Confidence in Management.
12. We’re Understaffed.
13. I Don’t Receive the Information I Need to Do My Job Well.
14. We Need More Training.
15. The Quality of Our Products and Services is Terrible.
16. I Receive Poor Service From Other Departments.
17. There’s Too Much Red Tape Here.
18. Why Don’t They Get Rid of All of the Dead Wood Around Here
19. There Are Too Many Damn Meetings.
IV. How to Provide Employees With What They Deserve
20. I’m Not Paid Fairly.
21. It’s Just Not Right That We All Receive the Same Pay.
22. My Performance Reviews Are Useless.
23. There’s No Link Between My Pay and Job Performance.
24. The Cost of My Benefits is Eating Up My Paycheck.
V. How to Make W-O-R-K Something Other Than a Dirty 4-Letter Word
25. I Hate Coming in to Work. It’s Become Just a Job For Me Now.
26. I’m Dreading Returning to Work From My Vacation.
27. There’s No Job Security Here.
28. I’ve Got No Time for My Self or My Family.
29. I Feel Trapped. I Wish I Could Go Out On My Own.
30. I Would Love to Leave. The Only Reason I Stay Here is the People. what do you think? do you felt all these reasons are all that is in your mind? haha! definitely a must read book... now we can backup our revolution speech to our boss(as necessary) when we gave it. we gave this as a birthday gift to our fav CEO (which is the only CEO we have) he had a surprise party! that he hated at first! (ang kulet!) haha! pics here.

i think most of my officemates have reasons 1, 3 and 4(top ones) 6, 8, 14, 22 and 27. i have reasons 20, 29 and 30. sometimes, 25. u know when you just get tired of doing it. sigh. nweiz, ope this book changes everything or at least something for our company... dedicated to our HR and bossing.. Ü

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