as we are seekers of adventure and challenge.. we arrived at the train station just the time it was actually arriving at the station. you can picture the train and our car arriving at the place at the same time, and yes... we ran and we laugh. beat that!
this time we were with Ate Rachel (haha), we were more confident we wouldn't get loss because we already did that. and so, everything was planned to go as planned. . . .
4th destination. Supposedly Adler Planetarium.
i googled before-hand the bus routes we need to take, we took this bus 146 paid $2 and we're off. the driver said he could drop us off but he didn't. he made us take off a place too far from it, luckily it was the park's place. so again...
4th destination. Millenium Park.
then there was this giant silver bean. i dunno why... but it's there.. took a lot of shots there...
there was a field with people doing some exercise like luneta. :D
what else, there was this metal thingy architectural structure that we also took shots of.
5th destination. Adler Planetarium.
and here we are.. ooh.. 1st time to get inside one so i was really really excited. we got off a free trolley. we saw an amazing view just outside the planetarium. chicago skyline was nyc. we were looking at it by the sea.... with the right kind of wind... with birds flying over.. wooo... perfect MTV and picture place. we even saw a newly wed being photographed.. aaaaawww.. haha!
nweiz, so we entered the planetarium. i would have to say, i was really excited. we had 3 tickets and an audio device to start with...
first ticket was the exhibit all-over the place, the audio device was for the narration... (aba! astig! ok na idea!)
second ticket was "Cosmic Collision", we were just in time for the show... of course, like any other expectaion. we were in a dome... the seats was soft and comfy... it was about collisions in space and its relevance to us. it was pretty cool, i really enjoyed it. the voice-over was nyc and the sequence was great. not too complicated and not boring.
3rd ticket was for the night sky. i should admit.... i was still excited. :D (sorry tlga 1st time) it was a bigger dome and a large geeky-complicated-lookin-contraption was in the middle. unlike the first show.. this was not really narrated. it was discussed by a speaker who carelessly uses this red pointer laser as fast as you can imagine and go around and arch on stars and constellations like it was a part of our
5th destination. Museum of Science and Industry.
we took a long way to get here and been in 2 buses. it actually took us 5 miles from the heart of downtown Chicago. when we got there, we saw that there are a lot places to see and places to go, plus we're seeing this show: "Grand Canyon Adventure". we got time to burn, so we explored th
then we proceed to "UB505-Submarine". yea. it was a submarine on land. i dnt know if it's real but it really looks like it. there
minutes after, we climb upstairs and saw the museum postcard in real-life. haha! waahahaha. Jake and I went wild on where to take picture. there was this huge train. airplanes. city skylines. more trains. more planes. and a miniture village. oooh wow! we were like kids moving from one picture opt to another. :D
and so the time is up and the show was on. we went in a yet another dome-like seating. (oooh.. not again! traumatic!) i really expected something extra-ordinary on the show but not. it was a documentary film about the grand canyon.. a little close to Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth". it started ok and the water rafting sequence was interesting but the rest was pretty boring. another option to the show was dinosours live! but we missed the screening when we got there. shoot! oh well.. took the time to rest.
after the show, everyone was either in "going-home" or "where do we eat" mode. yea. i was starving too.. we took a bus back to the park area and started walking to the station. wooh! no problem in walking, it's just that I was really hungry that time. I was merely doing a walkathon. hahaha! 15-20 minutes after we got there. i just decided to buy something from Jamba Juice just to get over the hunger. I ordered "Carribean Passion" and I think even if there was nothing passionate about it..... i didn't care. :D bought cookies too. woooh! food! yey! maybe a few minutes after, I was my normal self again. :D
we decided to go outside the station again and look for a place to eat. walked around the neighboring streets and amazingly most of the stores were CLOSED. whyyyyy???? it's only 7pm. weird!!!!! luckily this Jimmy John's store was OPEN. I didn't bother ordering, they served sandwiches and I'm not a fan plus I'm already full. Some of the guys, went back at the station to eat real food. haha! So, they ordered and I sat there taking pictures of the lights and the signs around. (love 'em) Jake had an unfortunate situation with his order that pissed him off, Marmi and Tin didn't enjoyed their very hard very cold sandwich either. haha! (wawa nman kmi...)
it was almost 8 so, we headed back to the station. we were one of the first that we
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