Thursday, December 04, 2008

introducing noise

finally, i broke my silence. i shared to one of my closest friend what's going on with me. and damn, i knew it. she'll laugh at me. that's fine. i was laughing at myself anyway. what can i say. im a funny person. haha! btw, that felt good. the silence, being broken. just needed time. as we were discussing, i got a different opinion from her which was understandable and so i wonder. wonder.... wonder... and wonder some more.... kept on looking outside this cafe' window and still wonderin. maybe later with booze. (planning to try something new ;D)

actually, i already thought of that, like i told her and did it. there were a number of things that i made effort on. what can i do? could i have made it more clearer? maybe i should've done something else? what could that be? hmmmm.... or maybe im being too hard on myself to assume and ask and wonder more on my part. i dnt really know. did i did it too late? i guess i ask the hypothetical question too late?! haayz. well, life is life like what my friend say. sigh and smile girl. sigh and smile.

nweiz, as i am trying to continue on this entry... Christmas carols are playing..... aaaawwwww.... can i cry? hehe. what kind of Christmas would this be? for some time i had it clear. though now... exciting i guess. well, there are just 2 possibilities anyway.... recent events have showed that more likely we know which of the two but i would like to entertain a sense of unpredictability and hope for excitement. (yes, u can say it. im weird!) sometimes i dnt know myself too.

message. hey, i envy you. i do.

officially. goodluck to me. say "goodluck reg and merry holidays!!! " =p

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